Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2nd Servicing - 9,313 KM. Hyundai Elantra.

This time went for 2nd servicing. Busy till quite late to bring for servicing. No doubt the mileage claims at 7,309 KM but truly it was 9,313 KM. Based on the Hyundai Glemarie regulation if the car is over the specify mileage then the claims for 5,000 KM free service would be void. I think this is unfair but what to do, it already happen. Another matters are when I want to pay using my servicing voucher they have another rules stated that if there are any discount given for the servicing, then the voucher cannot be use at all.

1) Shell Helix Plus HX-7 4L = RM 110.00
2) Filter Assy Engine Oil = RM 15.44
3) Washer Drain Plug = RM 1.80
4) Misc = RM 3.00

Total Cost : RM 130.25

Service by : Santda Kumar a/l Vusuvalingam

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